Nema Eia Regulations
2014 EIA REGS KZN - 18 Nov 2014...
National Environmental Management Act
National Environmental Management Act: 107 of 1998. Environmental Management Act Ammended in 2014...
EIA Regulations 2014
Environmental Implact Assessment (EIA) Revised Goverment Gazette No. 10328, 2014...
Environmental Law 1 – Property Owner Questions
I want to build another house, do I need environmental authorization from the Department of Agriculture and Environmental Affairs? Have I planted my timber correctly? Is my neighbour’s activity lawful?...
Environmental Law 2 – National Environmental Management Act...
Why do I need environmental authorization from the Department of Agriculture and Environmental Affairs (DAEA) for the establishment of a residential estate? What process do I need to go through?...
Environmental Law 4 – Farm Owners Questions
Can I plough up more land? Can I build more stock watering dams? May I irrigate my lands? May I conduct industrial activities on my farm? The nation’s agricultural resources...