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Home 5 Primary Services 5 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Services 5 Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)/ Environmental and Socio-Economic Impact Assessment (ESEIA)

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)/ Environmental and Socio-Economic Impact Assessment (ESEIA)

Afzelia Environmental Consultants (Pty) Ltd in association with various independent subcontractors has the collective expertise and manpower to undertake a diverse range of services to undertake Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIA) for institutional, commercial, industrial, residential, tourism, infrastructure and mineral projects throughout Africa.

The ESIA process is similar to the Basic Assessment and Scoping and EIR processes undertaken in South Africa. The assessment includes consultation with local communities, businesses and NGOs, and the gathering of baseline information – both quantitative, such as air quality analysis, soils analysis, fauna and flora counts, community demographics and employment; and qualitative, such as government departments and community perceptions of the proposed development and the Applicant.

The ESIA process identifies potential environmental and social impacts stemming from the establishment, operation and closure of the proposed development. It also provides an analysis of the management of both intended and unintended environmental and social consequences of the development.

As part of the scope of ESIAs, Afzelia would take into account ancillary facilities, to ensure that the natural environmental and local communities situated near transport routes, power plants and storage areas, are also included in the assessment process.