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Home 5 Primary Services 5 Environmental Monitoring & Reporting Services 5 Environmental Site Officer (ESO) Duties.

Environmental Site Officer (ESO) Duties.

We officer this service on a full-time and part-time basis in South Africa.

ESO’s are retained permanently on a development site. This is particularly necessary where development will be taking place on a large scale and /or where sensitive environmental areas are involved.

They are responsible for providing administrative and project support such that they monitor, advise on and record all construction related activities on a daily basis addressing and mitigating both on-site and offsite issues that would have a deleterious effect on the receiving environment.

They are responsible for ongoing “on-the-job” environmental training of all employees on the site, as well as ensuring that compliance with legislative requirements is met. They must ensure that should any “spills” (incidents/emergencies) occur that these are correctly reported on and that all relevant documentation is up to date and available for inspection by the (IECO) and/or officials for environmental departments. The (ESO) will attend site meetings for all aspects of the development project and assist contractors in finding environmentally responsible solutions to problems as well as giving guidance in the compilation of method statements.

The (ESO) reports to the (IECO) and ensures that any instructions from the IECO are adhered to.