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Environmental • Health & Safety • Project Management Consultants

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Legislated Public Participation Process

Afzelia has considerable experience undertaking the legislated public participation processes for environmental impact assessments, water use licenses and mining applications throughout Southern Africa.

The standard public participation process undertaken locally by the team involves the drafting and placement of adverts in regional and local newspapers, the drafting and erection of site notices, the distribution of flyers, the circulation of background information documents to registered government departments, directly affected landowners and the organization and attendance of focus group, public and open day public meetings with affected communities and groups.

Afzelia undertakes all aspects of the public consultation process in-house, and offers this service to all other environmental organizations should they wish not to undertake this process themselves. If you require a quotation for Afzelia to manage and undertaken the public participation process for your project, please contact Mr A. Batho on the details provided below.

Selected Basic Assessments undertaken by Afzelia:


Proposed Injisuthi River Bridge Upgrade

Type of Project: Basic Assessment Process

Municipal Location: Local Municipality, KZN

Client: Department of Transport KZN


Propsed Tugela Ferry Bridge Upgrade

Type of Project: Basic Assessment Process

Municipality Location: Msinga Local Municipality

Client: Department of Transport KZN


Kennedy Road Housing Development

Type of Project: Scoping and Environmental Impact Process

Municipality: Ethekwini Municipality

Client: Ethekwini Municipality


Proposed Mathamo River Bridge Upgrade

Type of Project: Basic Assessment Process

Municipality Location: Imbabazane Local Municipality, KZN

Client: Department of Transport, KZN


Proposed L1524 Road Upgrade

Type of Project: Basic Assessment Process

Municipality Location: eMnambithi Local Municipality

Client: Department of Transport, KZN


Proposed P187 Road Upgrade

Type of Project: Basic Assessment Process

Municipality Location: eMnambithi Local Municipality

Client: Department of Transport, KZN