Terrestrial Ecological Services
Biodiversity/Ecological Services
Afzelia offer the following ecological specialist studies, primary focused on the biodiversity assessments undertaken as part of the environmental impact assessment process for infrastructure, industrial, commercial, retail, recreation and residential developments throughout Southern Africa:
- Invertebrate surveys;
- Insect ecological studies;
- Insect dietary analyses;
- Ant identification;
- Mammal surveys;
- Avian surveys;
- Reptile and amphibian surveys;
- Botanical surveys;
- Riparian vegetation index surveys;
- Ecological & habitat condition surveys;
- Protected species surveys;
- Biodiversity offsets;
- Ecological management plans;
- Biodiversity Action Plans;
- Environmental Management Frameworks;
- Management of Rare Wetland Species;
- Evaluation of land degradation;
- Habitat rehabilitation management plans;
- Rehabilitation monitoring plans;
- Alien vegetation control plans;
- Erosion control plans.
Contact Us
Tel: +27 (31) 303 2835
Cell: +27 (83) 601 9411
Fax: +27 (86) 692 2547
Email: info@afzelia.co.za