Aquatic Services
Wetland Assessment Services
Our Expertise
Wetlands play a number of roles in the environment, principally water purification, flood control, and shoreline stability. Wetlands are also considered the most biologically diverse of all ecosystems, serving as home to a wide range of flora and fauna life. In addition to the above, wetlands provide essential goods and services to humanity by providing opportunities for grazing, fishing, hunting and sources of building material.
Wetlands and riparian areas are highly valuable natural systems that perform a variety of ecosystem services, both directly and indirectly related to human well-being. The National Environmental Management Act and several other pieces of legislation recognise the critical need to protect, rehabilitate and conserve wetlands as a history of uninformed and poorly planned infrastructural developments in the vicinity of wetlands has significantly impacted on these important ecological resources in our country.
Where proposed developments have the potential to impact on wetland / riparian areas various assessments and tools are required pre-development to gain an understanding of the natural environment and guide the developmental process. In this regard AFZELIA has the necessary expertise to undertake the following wetland / riparian assessments and studies to appropriately guide the development process:
Wetland and Riparian Services Offered
Wetland and riparian screening surveys
Wetland delineations – as per the procedures described in ‘A practical Field Procedure for Identification and Delineation of Wetland and Riparian Areas – Edition 1’ (Department of Water Affairs, 2005)
Assessment of the present state of wetlands
Evaluation of impacts on wetlands due to development
Identification of site specific mitigation measure to limit impacts on wetlands
Assessing the goods and services offered by wetland systems
Developing wetland and riparian rehabilitation plans
Managing the rehabilitation of wetland and riparian areas
Defining buffer zones for wetlands and biodiversity protection
Developing alien vegetation management programmes for wetland and riparian areas
Managing alien vegetation clearing within wetlands and riparian areas.
Wetland Functional Assessments – utilising the WET-EcoServices or WetHealth tools
Wetland and riparian rehabilitation and implementation plans
Selected wetland delineation, functionality and rehabilitation projects:
Esikhumbeni Stand Alone Water Supply Scheme
Ulundi, KwaZulu Natal
Wetland Impact Assessment
P187 Road Upgrade
Ladysmith, KwaZulu Natal
Wetland Impact Assessment and Rehabilitation plan
L1524 Road Upgrade
Ladysmith, KwaZulu Natal
Wetland Impact Assessment and Rehabilitation plan
Injusuthi Bridge
Injusuthi, KwaZulu Natal
Wetland Impact Assessment
Tugela Ferry Bridge
Tugela Ferry KwaZulu Natal
Wetland Impact Assessment
Umlazi Housing
Umlazi, KwaZulu Natal
Wetland Impact Assessment
Esidweni Housing
Umlazi, KwaZulu Natal
Wetland Impact Asssessment
Ballito Taxi Rank
Ballito, KwaZulu Natal
Wetland Delineation
Phenyane to Obhazweni Road
Nongoma, KwaZulu Natal
Riparian Impact Assessment
Mfana Causeway
Nongoma, KwaZulu Natal
Wetland Delineation
Netley Place
Durban, KwaZulu Natal
Wetland Impact Assessment
Station Road Bridge
Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu Natal
Wetland Impact Assessment
Vlakfontein Mine extension
Ogies, Mpumalanga
Wetland Impact Assessment
Darvill WWTW Upgrade
Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu Natal
Wetland Rehabilitation and Monitoring Plan
Sundumbili Pipeline
Mandeni, KwaZulu Natal
Wetland Rehabilitation and Monitoring Plan
Contact Us
Tel: +27 (31) 303 2835
Cell: +27 (83) 601 9411
Fax: +27 (86) 692 2547